Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Everyday Nails

First impressions are important-- especially when interviewing for a new job, which so many people are doing these days. Apparently, first impressions start with how you look, for better or worse.

Sharp haircut? Check. Modest accessories? Check. Polished shoes and a Frebrezed suit? Check, check. Manicured nails?...Oops.

Manicures. They look great, but only last a week or less. And at $25 plus, they can add up fast.

I went to Richmond's Woman Show and ran into a lady selling home manicure kits. Because I've tried these before and have never been impressed, I walked passed her booth. My then boyfriend (now husband) had to use the restroom, which of course was right next to her booth. Ew. So I had no choice but to listen to her product pitch. She polished my nail. Clean, shiny, nice. But before I could be sold, I needed to know I could shine them myself without having to put my back into it. Step 1) File and shape. 2) Clean. 3) Condition. 4) Shine. 5) Erase cuticles with the cuticle coconut oil pen.

EASY! Best of all, NO MORE HANGNAILS! I was pretty excited to find a kit that I could reuse for months (or years) at the price of only two manicures.

Bottom line: If you want polished nails everyday, call Archie (205) 863-8024 (she doesn't have a website) and order the Nail Strong Set for $34.95. Let me know what you think!

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