Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Aspirin for Acne?

So, my face broke out...again. I read online that aspirin masks are a cheap treatment for acne as it includes a beta-hydroxy acid, which is commonly used in brand facial products. Since my skin decided to produce a pink accessory to my face every hour on the hour today, I decided to put aspirin to the test. After another trip to CVS, I bought a bottle of aspirin, took out four tablets and added 1/8 tablespoon of water. They slowly dissolved into a sandy paste.

Word of caution: Apply over a dish so the grains don't drop on the floor!

After my face was covered with the mess, I let it sit for 15 minutes. You can add cucumbers to your eyes for a spa-like experience, but make sure your sister's dog isn't there to eat them off your face! I digress...

At first there was a gentle cooling sensation-- nice!...Followed by a severe dryness. Eww. Then the mask started to crumble off my face, so it was obviously time to wash it off.

Scrub. Scrub. Ouch! Turns out the apirin paste is also a strong exfoliator that leaves your face red, firm, but dry. Moisturizer needed!

Stay tuned: I'll repeat this experiment three more days in a row and will report the results on Friday. Hopefully my break out, or as I like to call my "bug bites" will all be gone!
Please Note: If you are allergic to aspirin, your skin may react badly to this remedy.
Mega-T Update: After last week's blog about Mega-T, my boyfriend started taking one supplement a day and has lost over 3 pounds in the last 7 days. It's probably water weight, but ever pound counts!

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